Channel: thevirts
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: magicderrenhonegreanuangeltexastilttipsflourishdaniveykevincrissdownloadhighthevirtsrevealedlimithellmuthmanipulationvanishellusionistflourishespokertorrentbrownsleightphildanielcardistrycrazycardpartyfullnodavecardsbrunsonimpossiblebesttrickyeowdarenpartypokerhuronlowbuckexposedtutorialdavidpokerstarsfreehandcusoholdemchipxcmcopperfieldtricksstarsvirtsstuntsthevirtuosodoylecyrilstakestakayamaonlinetheory11penguin
Description: Want more? We’ve got even better tutorials (and Cardistry cards) over at: How to make cards fly between your hands like Gambit | Card Spring | Cardistry tutorial by Virtuoso: Hey! Here's a card flourish tutorial that details one of the most powerful card flourishes ever created; the Spring. This Virtuoso card flourish tutorial outlines every detail needed to perform the Spring; the exact grip, the pressure required to spring the cards, the grip needed to receive the cards, the sound to listen out for, the method to make it crazy long whilst keeping it clean, and even how to 'drag' a spring to 'slow-mo' it in realtime. So, whether or not you've learnt the "spring" card flourish before, take a look at this tutorial, cause you just might pick up something new. ;) Enjoy! The Virts How to make cards fly between your hands like Gambit | Card Spring | Cardistry tutorial by Virtuoso: Credits Tutorial Performed and Taught by Huron Low Tutorial Filmed and Edited by Daren Yeow Music: 'Lex" by Ratatat "Light Pattern" & "Days to Come" by Bonobo "Laundry" by edIT Enjoy! #cardistry #thevirts #cards #decks #virtuoso You can even hurry us for more kickass underground card flourish videos, tutorials, stuff about so-called xcm, cardistry, or even poker to texas holdem.